Southwest Collaboratives Support Network
The Network links a growing set of place-based collaboratives across the Southwest, including:
Color Key:
Arizona Colorado New Mexico Utah
2-3-2 Cohesive Strategy Partnership
Colorado and New Mexico
The 2-3-2 Cohesive Strategy Partnership (2-3-2) strives to work together to protect and preserve the forest health, water quality, wildlife habitat and communities within the San Juan, Chama and Rio Grande Watershed Landscapes. We implement a cohesive approach that supports a coordinated, landscape- scale effort that emphasizes public and private partnerships, bridges geographic boundaries and addresses agency management constraints to deliver integrated results that cannot be accomplished when working separately.
Animas River Community Forum
The Animas River Community Forum came together in response to the Gold King Mine spill incident. The Forum's role is sharing and disseminating information related to the spill, the 416 fire, and the subsequent recoveries. The forum works on issues that have agreement among Forum Partners. The group is looking to the future.
Cibola Shared Stewardship Collaborative
New Mexico
The purpose of the Cibola Shared Stewardship Collaborative (CSSC) is to provide assistance to the Cibola National Forest leadership team for the use and management of the multiple resources within the Forest. Our vision is to work together to provide diverse perspectives on forest-wide issues.
Connecting for Conservation in Santa Fe
New Mexico
The mission of Connecting for Conservation in Santa Fe is to bring together leaders of local collaboratives for a networking and peer-to-peer learning group. One goal of this group is to collect information about local collaboratives, and to bring that information to larger regional networks such as the Southwest Collaborative Support Network and the Western Collaborative Conservation Network, and to transfer information back from the regional networks to the local collaboratives.
The Desert Rivers Collaborative (DRC) was formed in 2012 to cooperatively protect, restore, and maintain native river corridor habitat in Mesa & Delta counties through the development of community partnerships.
Dolores River Restoration Partnership
The Dolores River Restoration Partnership (DRRP) is a public-private collaborative of partnering individuals, organizations, and agencies working to restore the riparian corridor of the Dolores River, which flows from the San Juan Mountains of Southwestern Colorado to eastern Utah, where it merges with the Colorado River. Since 2009, the DRRP has worked to remove invasive plants whose extensive growth has displaced native plant communities, impaired wildlife habitat and forage, hindered recreational opportunities, and increased risks associated with wildfire.
Dolores Watershed Resilient Forest Collaborative
The Dolores Watershed Resilient Forest Collaborative is an inclusive local group that shares knowledge and resources to enhance ecological and community resilience to wildfire and other disturbances. We recognize direct links between social, economic, and ecological conditions, and work to enhance our communities’ ability to safely live with fire. We work in Dolores and Montezuma Counties, CO, particularly focusing on the upper Dolores River watershed.
Escalante River Watershed Partnership
The mission of the Escalante River Watershed Partnership is to restore and maintain the natural ecological conditions of the Escalante River and its watershed and involve local communities in promoting and implementing sustainable land and water use practices.
Estancia Basin Watershed Health, Restoration, and Monitoring Committee
New Mexico
Greater Santa Fe Fireshed Coalition
New Mexico
The Greater Santa Fe Fireshed Coalition uses a pro-active, collaborative approach to improve the health and long-term resilience of forested watersheds and communities by addressing wildfire. The Coalition works to build support, understanding, and shared knowledge of the role of fire in an adaptive framework to realize our goals. Our primary goal is to identify and implement high priority on-the ground projects that make the Fireshed and its communities more resilient to wildfire while maintaining and restoring resilient landscapes. This goal will be realized when fire is used as a tool for management throughout our fire adapted forests, and communities in and adjacent to these forests become fire adapted - they understand the role of fire and are prepared for its occurrence.
Greater Santa Fe Recreation Partnership
New Mexico
The Greater Santa Fe Recreation Partnership (GSFRP) began in 2018, stimulated by outdoor recreation visioning and subsequent sustainable recreation planning initially organized by the Santa Fe National Forest. The collaborative effort serves to catalyze a landscape scale “all hands, all lands” approach, defining a multi-stakeholder vision for recreation opportunities that serve current and future needs of outdoor recreationists in a safe and sustainable manner.
Lower San Pedro Collaborative
The Lower San Pedro Collaborative is a watershed-wide, inclusive effort to foster relationships and collective action on stewardship of natural and cultural resources in the Lower San Pedro watershed in southeast Arizona. Our mission is to protect and enhance water resources, wildlife habitat, and the working landscapes of the lower San Pedro River and its surrounding watershed. We strive to support and improve the waters and ecological integrity of the entire watershed. We work to maintain a landscape that supports both wildlife and agriculture, and provides compatible recreational opportunities, economic development, and local community benefits.
Mountainair Collaborative
New Mexico
The Mountainair Collaborative brings partners and stakeholders in the Mountainair Ranger District landscape together to create a collaborative infrastructure and process to build on current relationships and create new relationships for working together to benefit the social, ecological, and economic well being of its communities.
Montezuma Inspire Coalition
Our vision is for youth of all ages and backgrounds in Montezuma County to respect, care for and enjoy themselves, their communities and the natural world. By encouraging them to share these values with their family, friends and across generations, we seek to build an inclusive, strong, healthy and resilient community and economy.
North Valley Outdoor Network
River Network
River Network empowers and unites people and communities to protect and restore rivers and other waters that sustain all life. We envision a future with clean and ample water for people and nature, where local caretakers are well-equipped, effective and courageous champions for our rivers. We believe that everyone should have access to affordable, clean water and healthy rivers.
Sandia Collaborative
New Mexico
The Sandia Collaborative is working to:​
1. Establish mutual priorities that will leverage resources and funding of all partners and stakeholders for the betterment of the Sandia Ranger District.
2. Identify collaborative projects to protect the flora, fauna, historic and cultural properties and artifacts, and watersheds.
3. Develop recommendations to manage fire risk, natural resources, and year round recreational and educational activities.
San Juan Headwaters Forest Health Partnership
The San Juan Headwaters Forest Health Partnership was established in 2009. Our mission is to provide a forum to share stakeholder perspectives in order to develop science-based collaborative priorities for management and monitoring of forests in the Pagosa Ranger District of the San Juan National Forest in Southwestern Colorado.
Smokey Bear Collaborative
New Mexico
The Smokey Bear Collaborative brings together stakeholders with an interest in recreation, tourism and road and trail management on the Lincoln National Forest’s Smokey Bear Ranger District and nearby areas. The Collaborative represents a variety of viewpoints and provides community organizations with a voice to support on-going efforts to enhance quality recreation opportunities in the northern South Central Mountains.
Verde Front
This cross-jurisdictional, multi-stakeholder effort is working to develop a long-term and comprehensive sustainable recreation approach to link communities through the Verde Valley including Camp Verde, Cottonwood, Clarkdale, Jerome, Sedona and Yavapai County. The Verde Front is fostering a regional sustainable recreation plan and river and trails commission to ensure ongoing support and coordination.
Western Collaborative Conservation Network
The Western Collaborative Conservation Network (WCCN) promotes and supports community-based collaborative conservation efforts that strengthen and sustain healthy landscapes, vibrant communities, and thriving economies.
White River Partnership
Colorado and Utah
The White River Partnership (WRP) is committed to restoring and maintaining healthy riparian areas along the White River in northwest Colorado and northeast Utah through collaboration among public, private, and non-profit entities.